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About Us

National Institute for Further Education (NIFE) arranges and offers the courses, seminar meetings, lectures and other activities connected to further education of pedagogical start.

The NIFE has an advantage over other institutions of similar interest of being an organisation with national range and having wide spectrum of lecturers and that is why is concerned with problems that need to be solved flexibly and on a national wide level. Nowadays, the priorities of the NIFE are for example education related with curricular reform, education of management of schools, foreign language teaching whose usefulness is connected with increasing demands on language competences of teachers. Current programme offer where the pedagogical staff in indiviidual regions may choose from many different educational events can be found in section Programme offer, where you may fill in the on-line application form for your favourite course.

Educational programmes of every sort provided by the NIFE are funded i.a. from the budget of the MOEYS (so called development programmes – e.g. MEJA, Pedagogical Studies) and from European Social Fund (so called national projects – Coordinator, Gate to Languages, Successful Headteacher). The benefit of these study programmes lies in the fact that they are available to teachers at minimal costs. These programmes are providet free of charge or trainees carry out the essential costs. The NIFE strives to make the best of these ways of funding, and therefore to burden on the budget of individual schools as few as possible.

Recently is the NIFE focused on, in addition to preparing and realizing educational programmes, on analyzing needs in the sphere of further education of pedagogical staff and on creating its own concepts in this area.

NIFE has been established at the beginning of 2004 linking together fourteen regional pedagogical centres. The institution initially functionned under the name of Pedagogical Centre in Prague and later change of name has been decreed, therefore since the April 2005 bears the name NIFE. NIFE is an allowance organization of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports with national range because has fourteen detached workplaces in individual regions.