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Concept of further education of pedagogical staff

The NIFE prepares long – term aims of further education of pedagogical staff (LAFE). LAFE is medium – term material for next 2-3 years, whose aim is to contribute to improving further education of pedagogical staff (FEPP) and clarify its offer. The objective of LAFE is also giving support to creating a portal of FEPP, defining clear rules of its realisation and specifying competences of individual subjects entering into FEPP.

The concept of LAFE includes chapters, which are reflecting upon position of FEPP in the process of lifelong learning. LAFE also prioritizes and sets targets of the national educational policy in the field of FEPP, analyses on the basis of available documets and materials the present state of delivering services (offer, spectrum of educators, etc.) in the field of FEPP. It also specifies educational needs of teachers and schools together with requirements set by the state. It adverts to possible difficulties, proposes contingent changes and it warns about importace of state support of curricular reform, lifelong learning, development of professional competences of teachers and education of sustainable development.